Veteran's Day 2020...
Yesterday we celebrated The Marine Corps Birthday... we commemorate our Veterans…
I'm a big fan this week for sure...
Monday was my wife Nancy’s Birthday…
Yesterday was arguably…THE MOST IMPORTANT BIRTHDAY! Again, Happy 245th Birthday Marines! Oorah! You rock. Most civilians don’t know that the Marine Corps is a year older than our country.
And of course…tomorrow is Veteran’s Day.
I suppose I could post 3 X in 3 days, but this week is always a trifecta for me…
Love my wife…love the Marines…even have one in the office full time now…(James taught me about "Semper Gumby")
…and I LOVE working for Veterans.
We have a saying, “Every day is Veteran’s Day around here…”
But that doesn’t even begin to communicate how I feel.
I life, we (hopefully) fight for what we believe in.
YOU bring out the best in ME.
I’ll fight as hard for you (if not harder when necessary)…than I would for Nancy, Nicholas, Chelsea or Mia.
Although this season has been absolutely exhausting, there were times when clients needed me to dig deep from my reserve tank…to do my thing…to ”wrestle the ball away from the (opponent) and get it into the end-zone.”
In other words, if I didn’t muster up the energy and resources to “turn the tide” (especially in the face of changing markets due to COVID), then our clients wouldn’t get their new home.
Sometimes...this work is ANYTHING but easy, but clients like you make the fight worth every inch of progress.
Thank YOU for what you do.
Thank you to all of our millions of men & women who chose to wear the uniform.
I owe YOU everything.
And I am grateful.
Here’s a perfect example of my reward.
The Rodriguez Family - "Hey Alejandro...Semper Fi...I'm glad we WON that fight!"